Sunday, September 2, 2012

We got our curriculum today! Woo hoo!

It was seriously Christmas in, um September today. The mail lady rang the doorbell this morning and Justin and I bolted for the door. I did my best to pretend for him that it was because we knew his curriculum was coming. That did contribute to my excitement, however; Bean's Minnie Mouse Halloween costume also came today! We hauled everything in and hurried up and opened his curriculum. We wound up using My Father's World for Kindergarten and we're supplementing with Kinder-Math and Alphabet Island. We picked up the alphabet island on a whim Friday and I've spent all day today studying it. I'm so unbelievably excited about it.

I haven't even taught a lesson yet and I'm loving this homeschool stuff. I have been coloring posters for four hours! I got to cut and stack for 2 hours. I seriously feel like I'm in kindergarten again. I LOVE it! I'm so excited and I think that's so important because in order for HIM to be excited, I have to be. I'm so there!

For those of you who follow us because of Bean, thank you for your prayers, love and support for our baby girl. We have witnessed nothing short of a miracle with her in the last couple days. Small miracles are BIG miracles in our world. I should back up; sorry. I do that a lot. I pray one of these days I can be that mom who has it all together and is able to tell a story without going, "Oh. Wait. Back up. Let me tell you about THIS first..."

Our youngest daughter, Jadie (Bug) is this unbelievably happy, healthy baby. She's seriously just been wonderful. She's spunky, but she's calm and cool. A few months ago she started getting some pretty brutal ear infections. We've had now six in the last, eh...six months? Anyway, I took her to pediatric urgent care last night because she was feverish and screaming incessantly. Like, would not give it up. This came after about a week of stuffiness and not sleeping. Long story short, she had raging infection in both ears again. So we're treating it with antibiotics, motrin and homeopathic pain drops. We have also started probiotics on her just because of all the antibiotics she's been on. It pales in comparison to what Bean has been on, but experience is the best way to learn a lesson. I will not let prolonged antibiotic usage wipe out another one of my babe's immune systems.

Anyway, so we got Bug home and I loaded her up. Sister was screaming bloody murder and about 5 seconds after those hyland drops hit her sweet little ears, she passed out on my lap. Out cold.
I gave her motrin (here comes the miracle, wait for it...) and Jaleigh seriously walked over and wanted some! Seriously! Those of you who follow us know the horrible traumatic two weeks we went through trying to get this kid to accept a syringe. We finally just left it alone and put her back on IV meds. So that's the background to the background story...are you still with me? So heck to the yes, I gave the kid some. The next morning when I gave Bug her medicine, Bean wanted some too. More motrin for Bean. This evening when Bug took her meds, Bean took some, too.

Wait. Before you go all "you're the worst mom ever" on me, Bean rarely, if ever gets pain meds but I tell you what. She's slept better the last couple nights than she has in MONTHS. So dang right I gave her motrin. With all that baby has gone through and continues to go through, there's no way there isn't pain. Plus, this opens the door to us starting oral antibiotics. I'm seriously giddy at the potential of calling her ID doctor Tuesday and asking her to give us a prescription for oral antibiotics. So giddy. So excited. So...ready. So ready to get this PICC line out of her arm and move forward.

So. Thank you. Thank you for praying for the small things, like babies taking medicine for a syringe. Small prayer, BIG relief in our world. We're up for recert with home health this week. Maybe instead we can pray for a discharge? Oh, how wonderful that would be!

Big changes coming to our house this week. Our family's turning our world upside down...yet again. Stay tuned, folks. Odds are this is gonna be big. We've got some minor (major?) details to work out and then I'll share! Thank you for continually caring for and praying for our family. We appreciate it more than you know!